Kushagra Srivastava

mainPic I'm an Undergraduate Student in Computer Science at UMass Amherst since September 2020.

I am also a member of the Commonwealth Honors College, pursuing the Computer Science Departmental Honors. Currently, I am working on an independent study regarding the Optimization of Bayesian Networks, along with Machine Learning Development.

I also work under the Integrated Concentration in Sciences (iCons) program, collaborating with and coordinating the 11th Cohort of the program. My research has spanned over "Meta Analysis on COVID-19 trends", "Hydrogen Fuel and their Scientific and Political Drawbacks", and currently on "Analyzing Trends on Innovative Energy Storage Methods" (the last one mainly focusing on data visualization in an Augmented Reality environment from my end). Here is a (currently under construction) website depicting my iCons portfolio. On top of that, I also work under and manage the iCons Podcast: A Little About a Lot.

I am also a Member under the UMass Amherst Student Alumni Association (SAA), and UMass PITCH RSO. More information on the same is listed under my main website.

This is my umass.edu webpage, showcasing very basic information. My main website is located at https://skushagra.com. It contains my entire portfolio, including my resume and various social media and contact options. It is completely open sourced under the MIT License, and the source code is available here.


ksrivastava [at] umass [dot] edu
hello [at] skushagra [dot] com
main website (for all relevant links)

(c): 2020 - 2022: Kushagra Srivastava