CMPSCI 370: Intro to Computer Vision, Spring 2016
Step 1. Obtain MATLAB
For all your programming projects you will need access to MATLAB. It
is simple to learn if you already know Java,C++ or Python.
First you need to get hold of a working copy of MATLAB. You may either:
- Get it via your lab (one of your machines may have it).
- Purchase
a student copy from MathWorks. Get the MATLAB suite which
costs 99$ and includes various toolboxes. The image processing
toolbox is particularly useful when dealing with images.
Step 2. Learn basic programming in MATLAB
MATLAB is great for prototyping and visualization which is why we
choose it. There is a free alternative to MATLAB called
Octave which
is similar and may be used instead. However, I can't guarantee that
the starter code will work with Octave. Here are some useful
resources for getting started with MATLAB: