Deep Learning

Fall 2015

Course description: Deep learning is a recent breakthrough in the field of machine learning that has become highly popular, due in large part to its success at solving extremely difficult high-dimensional problems, ranging from computer vision and speech recognition, to natural language processing and reinforcement learning. Large groups have formed at companies ranging from Baidu, Facebook, Google, IBM, Microsoft, and scores of smaller startups.

This course will provide a state-of-the-art introduction to both the theory and practice of deep learning. The course can be categorized broadly into the following topics:

Lectures: Friday 9:00-12:00, Room 142, CS Building

Course Schedule, Reading etc.

Prerequisites: Graduate level exposure to machine learning and artificial intelligence; undergraduate level linear algebra, probability theory and statistics, algorithmic analysis; familiarity with high-level programming languages, such as Python, C++, Java etc.; knowledge of Python, MATLAB helpful, but not required. Please talk with the instructor if you want to take the course but have doubts about your qualifications.


Deep learning is a new field, and there are no textbooks yet. We will rely on a number of tutorial papers as well as research papers for background reading. A few of them are listed below.


All students should get access to Moodle (see using your OIT login account. All lectures, assignments, and grades will be assigned using Moodle.

Credit: 3 units

Instructor: Professor Sridhar Mahadevan (mahadeva AT cs DOT umass DOT edu)

  • Piazza Discussion Forum: All students should sign up for an account on the class forum at Go to this web page to sign up.

    Assigned work: There will be one midterm mini-project, and a group final project, besides readings and class participation. Each individual mini-project must be completed by students working on their own, with no help from the other students, except for generic discussion of the questions.
